www.lesliespool.com/opinion – Take Leslie’s Customer Survey to Improve their Product

by admin March 23, 2021
Leslie’s Customer Survey

Leslie’s Customer Satisfaction Survey:

Leslie’s Swimming Pool Supplies invites the customers, who have recently visited a Leslie’s store, to take a short customer satisfaction survey. In the survey, you will have to answer a few simple questions about your recent visit to Leslie’s and give your feedback based on that experience. It will help Leslie’s make the pool care easy. After completing the survey, you will have a chance to enter into the Leslie’s Poolmart Monthly Drawing for a chance to win a $500 Leslie’s Shopping Spree.

Leslie’s Customer Satisfaction Survey Sweepstakes Prize:

One prize is for each month’s Leslie’s Sweepstakes Draw. The total retail value of the monthly prize is $500 given in Leslie’s Customer Appreciation Dollar.

Terms & Conditions of Leslie’s Customer Satisfaction Survey Sweepstakes:

The primary eligibility requirements to participate in the Leslie’s Customer Satisfaction Monthly Promotion are given below.

  • The contest is open to all legal residents of the United States aged at least 18 years at the time of sweepstakes entry.
  • Employees, owners, directors, and officers, and their immediate family members, of Leslie’s and its respective subsidiaries, parents, and agents are not allowed to join the promotion.
  • You must visit a Leslie’s Swimming Pool Supplies store lately.
  • Receive a valid purchase receipt for online entry via Leslie’s Customer Satisfaction Electronic Survey.

Leslie’s Customer Satisfaction Survey Completion & Monthly Draw Entry:

As an eligible Leslie’s customer, you have two ways to enter the Leslie’s Pizza Customer Satisfaction Survey Sweepstakes Promotion. Here is the brief entry description provided both for them.

Online Entry

  • Go to the unique URL providing in the Leslie’s store visit receipt. Or, access this satisfaction survey site, www.lesliespool.com/opinion
  • Enter the store number located at the upper right-hand corner of your Leslie’s sales receipt as depicted in the picture below the field.
  • Then, enter the transaction number found towards the right corner of the receipt left to the store number. See the receipt sample posted on the page for a better understanding.

Leslie’s Customer Survey

  • Click on the “Next” button to complete the survey in its entirety following the on-screen instructions.
  • Once you are done, fill in the requested information including a valid email address.

You will receive one entry into the applicable month’s draw of Leslie’s Customer Satisfaction Sweepstakes.

Also Read : Take Friendly’s Guest Survey

Mail-In Entry:

Alternatively, you can join the Leslie’s Customer Satisfaction Survey Monthly Draw by Alternate Method of Entry. Here, you need to enter your first name, last name, exact street address, and a valid email address on a letter or postcard. Then, post the Mail-In Entry request in a separate outer envelope to the following address

Leslie’s Customer Satisfaction Survey Promotion

2005 E. Indian Schools Road
Phoenix, AZ 85016

Remember, your mail-in entry must be postmarked and received during the specific promotion period to be eligible for the random draw.

What You Need to Know about Leslie’s Customer Survey Sweepstakes:

  • There is a maximum of one entry per transaction or per letter per day in the Leslie’s Customer Satisfaction Survey Promotion.
  • One random drawing will be held approx within 5 business days after the end of each monthly promotion period to select 1 winner.
  • The winner will receive prize notification by the provided email address.
  • The winners have 3 business days to respond after being notified and 30 days to claim the prize. After that, the prize will expire.
  • The prize, $500 in Leslie’s Customer Appreciation Dollar, can be used at any retail location of Leslie’s Swimming Pool Supplies.
  • To redeem the prize for online purchases, you will need to call Leslie’s Customer Service Number.
  • You may use the $500 shopping prize exclusively for the purchases of pool and spa supplies.

About Leslie’s:

Leslie’s Poolmart Inc. is “the world’s largest retailer of Swimming Pool Supplies’ offering all solutions to the customers’ spa and pool needs. It has more than 930 stores in 36 States. In 1963, Phil Leslie and Ray Cesmat established the company. Since 2017, L Catterton, a private equity firm, owns the chain. Leslie’s sells a wide selection of pool and spa chemicals, pool cleaners, equipment, accessories, inflatables, and floats. Apart from pool and spa supplies, Leslie’s is also one of the largest retailers of pool services and repairs.

Contact Information:

Leslie’s Swimming Pool Supplies Customer Service Phone Number: 800-537-5437

Mailing Address:

Leslie’s Headquarters
2005 E. Indian Schools Road
Phoenix, AZ 85016

Reference :


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