www.tellpartsource.com – Take PartSource Customer Survey to Win Discount Offer

by admin April 01, 2021
PartSource survey

PartSource Customer Satisfaction Survey:

PartSource Customer Satisfaction Survey provides the customers with a great way to express their thoughts about their recent PartSource experience. The survey is short and simple; takes no longer than 2 to 3 minutes to complete. And as a return gift for taking the time and fill out the survey, you will have a chance to win a surprise gift from PartSource at the end of the procedure.

The feedback you give in the PartSource customer satisfaction survey will be used to gauge your satisfaction and understand your need and expectation from the company. Thus, it helps PartSource serve you as well as millions of other Canadians better. So, you should respond to the survey honestly as it matters a lot both for you and PartSource.

How to Take the PartSource Customer Satisfaction Survey Online:

For participating in the PartSource Customer Satisfaction Survey, you must be an eligible individual having the following requirements. Then you can initiate the survey using the steps listed below.


  • Must visit a PartSource location most recently.
  • Use any service or purchase a product during that visit to have a receipt required for the entry of the online survey.
  • Not be PartSource employees and their immediate family members or anyone involved in the survey.
  • Complete the survey within time before the receipt becomes invalid or expires to use.
  • Have access to a computer or smartphone connected with the internet to access the survey over the web.


  • Go to the PartSource Customer Satisfaction Survey website at www.tellpartsource.com
  • Scroll down and enter the store code from your receipt in its space. the number can be found at the top of the receipt. If you will have a problem locating it, take a look at the receipt picture image above the entry field.
  • Click the red “Begin Survey” button.

PartSource survey

  • Answer all the questions you will be asked in the PartSource Customer Satisfaction Survey to the best of your knowledge.
  • Leave your comment and fill out the rest
  • Enter the required details and submit the survey.

Also Read : Join New York & Company Voice to Win $100 Cash

About PartSource

PartSource Inc. is a Canadian specialty retail chain selling automotive parts and accessories. It is a subsidiary company. Canadian Tire Corporation operates and owns the brand. PartSource was founded in 1999 and offers services to commercial installers as well as DIY mechanics and the customers who work on their own. And most of their items are name brand products. PartSource has almost 90 locations in Nova Scotia, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta.

Contact Information:

PartSource Customer Service Phone Number: 1-866-807-1902

Email Address: customerservice@canadiantire.ca

Mailing Address:

PartSource Store Support Centre
336 Courtland Ave.
Vaughan, Ontario
L4K 4Y1

Reference :


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