www.waitrosehaveyoursay.com – Take Waitrose Have Your Say Survey to Win £500

by admin May 23, 2021
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Waitrose Have Your Say Survey :

Waitrose would love to know their valued customers’ thoughts so that they can improve the experience of shopping with Waitrose & Partners in the future. The Waitrose Customer Feedback Program provides a good platform to listen to the customers. Here the eligible participants can take the Waitrose Have Your Say Survey sharing their recent visit to a Waitrose store or online shopping at waitrose.com. It is a short procedure; takes only 5 minutes to complete. And just for completing the survey, you can enter into a monthly prize draw contest for a chance to win a gift voucher.

Waitrose Customer Feedback Survey Sweepstakes Prize :

£500 worth of vouchers to redeem at Waitrose or John Lewis is available to win during each month’s draw of Waitrose Have Your Say Survey Sweepstakes.

Waitrose & Partners Survey Sweepstakes Terms & Conditions :

You must agree to be bound by the Waitrose Customer Feedback Prize Draw rules and regulations to take the Waitrose Have Your Say Survey and enter the contest. Below are some of those primary conditions.

  • Open to the residents in the British Isle and 18 years old or over
  • Employees of the John Lewis Partnership, Maru/eDR ltd, their associated company, agents, and immediate family or household members or any person professionally connected with the promotion are not eligible.
  • Shop in a participating Waitrose & Partners store or make a grocery purchase online at waitrose.com
  • Receive an email invitation to enter the Prize Draw or save the purchase receipt to get the required details for the survey.
  • Finish the survey and submit the sweepstakes entry within the mentioned time period.

Waitrose Have Your Say Survey & Customer Feedback Prize Draw Entry :

To be in the Waitrose Customer Feedback Program as an eligible participant, first, you need to complete the Have Your Say Survey over the web. For that, you can.

  • Visit the Waitrose & Partners Online Survey page, www.waitrosehaveyoursay.com. You can also log in to the specific URL on your Waitrose & Partners receipt or Have Your Say survey invitation.
  • Select between the “Tell us about your recent visit to a Waitrose store” and “Tell us about your recent Click & Collect or Delivery” option based on your shopping with Waitrose.

waitrose customer survey

  • Select your age group and click the “Next”. If you are under 18 years old, you cannot proceed further to continue the survey.
  • Enter the name of the branch, date, and time of the day of the visit from your receipt received on the day from the Waitrose & Partners store.
  • The online shoppers need to select the option they used for their recent grocery purchase or collection.
  • Click on the “Next” button and start the survey.
  • When it will be finished input the required details to be entered into the applicable Monthly Prize Draw Period.

The eligible individuals, who do not wish to complete the Waitrose Have Your Say, can also enter the Waitrose Customer Feedback Prize Draw. In that event, Contest. For that, you can visit edigitalsurvey.com/survey/enter/s/ESV-vi42-397620993 at any time during the contest period. Follow the instructions to provide your contact details if you win the prize draw and press submit.

Waitrose Have Your Say Customer Feedback Prize Draw Important Notes :

  • People who opted out of Waitrose marketing communications cannot participate in the promotion. Waitrose will not inform them of the prize draw within the invitation email.
  • Each Monthly Draw entry period covers one calendar month starting from the first day and ending on the last day of that month.
  • An independent person at administration will draw one winner on the first Monday of each calendar month from all valid and submitted entries.
  • The winner will be notified by email or telephone within 14 days of the relevant month’s draw date.
  • The winners must claim their prize within 14 days after being notified. Failure may result in choosing an alternative winner.
  • The winner needs to provide a postal address if he/she opts to receive the prize by post. The prize will be delivered to the provided address.
  • Alternatively, you can collect the prize in a Waitrose branch of your choice.

About Waitrose & Partners :

Waitrose is a British supermarket chain and food retailer with more than 330 stores in the United Kingdom. Wallace Waite, Arthur Rose, and Davis Taylor started it as a small grocery shop named Waite, Rose& Taylor 1904. Today, it is the eighth largest grocery retailer in the UK. Since 1937, the employee-owned retailer, John Lewis Partnership, is the parent of the company. Waitrose is the royal supplier of groceries, wine, and spirits to the Queen and Prince of Britain.

Contact Information :

Waitrose General Customer Service Number: 0800 188 884

Email Address: customerserviceteam@waitrose.co.uk

Reference :


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