www.bankersbox.com/survey – Join Bankers Box Customer Survey to Win $500 Cash

by admin March 31, 2021
bankers box survey

Bankers Box Customer Satisfaction Survey:

Have you purchased products from Bankers Box for the organization at home or work or personal record storage? How was your experience? Bankers Box wants to know and asks you to give your feedback on it. If you are a Bankers Box customer, you can do this by taking a short online survey and provide your thoughts about the service. It will help them to improve and serve you more efficiently. In return, you may also win a special gift by Bankers Box at the end of the survey.

What You Need for Taking Bankers Box Customer Satisfaction Survey:

For participating in the Bankers Box Customer Survey, you do not need to follow any hard and fast rules except for a few basic such as

  • Purchase any of the Bankers Box product(s) lately.
  • Be able to remember the shopping experience.
  • Must not be an employee of Bankers Box, Fellowes Brands, or their associated companies and any of their immediate family or household members.
  • Have a computer or laptop or mobile device with an internet connection to access the electronic survey.

How to Complete Bankers Box Customer Satisfaction Survey Online:

To take the Bankers Box Customer Satisfaction Survey you can use the steps provided below.

  • Go to the Bankers Box Customer Survey site at www.bankersbox.com/survey
  • Mark your gender between “Male” and “Female” and click on the “Next” button to proceed.

bankers box survey

  • Select if you have children under the age of 18 and next to select your age group.
  • Select whether you or your employer purchased the Bankers Box products and then reason.
  • Choose how and where you purchased your product: in-store, online, or catalog.
  • Thus continue to answer the questions you will be asked like how many boxes you purchased, how many times you bought per year, what kind of storage you use etc.
  • Give your suggestions, opinion, and whatever you want to tell Bankers Box in the comment box.
  • At the conclusion, enter the required contact information to receive a special offer from Bankers Box.

Also Read : Take Olive Garden Survey to Win $6000 Cash

About Bankers Box

Bankers Box is a privately-held company providing a wide selection of boxes and storage products with unparalleled strength and durability. The company is part as well as the first product line of Fellowes Brands. Harry Fellowes founded the Bankers Box Company in 1917. In 1983, it was renamed Fellowes and then Fellowes Brands in 2015. Bankers Box offers record storage solutions, workspace, and document management products, moving boxes, specialty products, and accessories for organization and storage needs.

Bankers Box Contact Info:

Bankers Box Customer Support Number: 1-800-955-0959

Email Address: webmaster@fellowes.com

Mailing Address:

Fellowes Inc.
1789 Norwood Avenue

Itasca, IL 60143
Attn: Webmaster

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