www.mynikevisit-na.com – Take Nike Customer Survey to WIn Discount Coupons

by admin March 25, 2021

Nike Customer Satisfaction Survey:

Nike customers who shopped at a Nike store recently, are invited to take a short online survey sharing their experience with the company. To provide the best products and customer services, it’s always important for a company to hear from its consumers. It will be very helpful to meet their expectations and grow the business. The Nike Customer Satisfaction Survey participation is beneficial for the customers too as Nike will reward all the eligible entrants with a discount on their next purchase.

Nike Customer Survey Reward

$5 off your next purchases at a participating Nike location or redeem the offer mentioned on your Nike survey receipt.

What You Need for Nike Customer Satisfaction Survey Participation:

For taking part in the Nike Customer Satisfaction Survey and take advantage of the discount offer, you will need to fulfill some requirements. Like you

  • Must be at least 16 years of age or the age of majority in the state you reside.
  • Shop at a Nike store lately.
  • Receive a Nike receipt with a survey invitation and code printed on it.
  • Must complete the survey within the next 7 days of the receipt date. The survey entry code is valid for only seven days after receiving it.
  • Employees and their immediate family or household members of Nike, InMoment, and their related companies cannot join this survey program.
  • You can complete a maximum of 2 surveys in 7 days per one household.

Steps to Take Nike Customer Satisfaction Survey Online:

As an eligible individual, you can take the Nike Customer Survey online using the step provided below. Before beginning, keep the Nike receipt inviting for the survey ready to access.

  • Visit Nike survey site at www.mynikevisit-na.com
  • Click on the “Continue” button and select your preferred language to attend the survey.
  • Scroll down the page and enter the 15 to 20-digit Survey Entry Code without spaces or hyphens in the blank field. (You can find the code on your Nike survey invitation receipt just as shown on the above sample receipt image)
  • Click on the “NEXT” button to fill out your Nike customer satisfaction survey.

Nike Survey

  • Rate your satisfaction, choose the right option, and answer all the questions truthfully.
  • After you finish the survey, provide your email address or the required contact details you are asked for to receive your discount.

Remember to bring your original paper survey invitation receipt along with the coupon code for offer redemption. The offer may valid at any Nike retail location except where prohibited. And you may make an eligible purchase to get the discount.

Also Read : Take Leslie’s Customer Survey to Improve their Product

About Nike

Nike, based in Beaverton, Oregon, is a leading and major manufacturer, supplier, and seller of athletic apparel, shoes, and sports equipment in the world. It is also one of the largest US corporations by revenue. The company was founded by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight in 1964 and was previously known as Blue Ribbon Sports. Nike Inc. operates its retail business under several brands and offers a range of products and services to almost all sports. Nike sponsors many top and high-profile athletes, sportspersons, and teams across the world.

Contact Information:

Nike Customer Service Phone Number 1-800-806-6453.

Reference :


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